
:wave: Hello there!

My name is Hun Jae (/Hun-JAY/, 헌재) Lee, and I am a software engineer currently residing in Cleveland, Ohio :us:. I am originally from Seoul, Korea :kr:

My three main personal values are:

  • Give back to the community. :muscle:
  • Share knowledge and collaborate with others. :dancers:
  • Benefit the humankind with my skillset. :earth_asia:

As a software engineer, I enjoy working in an autunomous & agile environment, seeing the big picture of the product’s overall vision, and making educated technical decisions accordingly.

After work, you’ll see me grabbing a fresh cold one :beer:, playing video games with friends :video_game:, and traveling on weekends :car: to eat gourmet food :stew: (but currently staying at home due to the pandemic). I also enjoy taking pictures :camera: of my rescued cat Retsuko :smirk_cat: .

Feel free to connect with me for exchanges and networking. I am open for side/toy project opportunities. You can see my resume here.

This is a blog made with Jekyll. I created the template using Bulma.io and hosted the domain on Namecheap.


  • 2021-03-20 :arrow_heading_up: upgrade Bulma.io v0.6.1 to v0.9.1
  • 2018-04-07 :gem: Full face lift using Bulma.io
  • 2015-05-04 :sparkles: Initial commit